Knights of Columbus

 Good Shepherd Council #16156

The Good Shepherd Council was formed in February 2016. We answer the call to a life of discipleship serving wherever needed in our parish and in our community. We sponsor the Altar Server Recognition of graduating seniors and First Communion bibles for the youth. We sponsor two seminarians and help with the My Brother's Table monthly food distribution. We also donate grocery food cards all year long for those in need in our faith community. The annual Tootsie Roll Drive supports Special Olympics. And we hold the annual Coats for Kids drive that provides new winter coats for local elementary aged children as well as for the children of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mattapan.

We renovated the Sacred Heart statue and plants at St. Zepherins Church. Our Council prayed the Rosary weekly during Lent and the month of May. We will begin in September the Sunday morning pancake take-aways after our morning Masses. Our Council members were the chefs for our Welcome Back BBQ, too.

These are examples of our faith in action. The Knights extend an invitation to all Catholic Men, 18 years plus to become a member. Join us Catholic men of faith to serve our parish and our community. Contact Steve Ahlquist or go to and enter our council #16156 for local information. The benefits are many including, fraternity, family involvement, charity and growth in faith.

Our Council sponsors this annual winter coat drive.
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